Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This is not a Budget Issue

Again, though the city will claim that it is broke -- and we agree that it is -- the decree to cut fire service and emergency medical response to East Rock neighborhood is NOT a budget issue --

It doesn't save any money.

But it may end up costing us plenty.

Aldermen's Public Hearing - 6:00 tonight -- Parking

The Aldermen's Public Safety hearing is at 6:00 tonight in the Aldermen's Chamber, City Hall.

Where to park: the Yale parking lot (down Whitney ave., just before you get to the Green, on the right) is free and open after 3:00.

Park at the lot and walk diagonally through the Green to City Hall.

Monday, April 4, 2011

1600 calls for Engine 8 last year

We live in a pretty quiet neighborhood you would think -- But Engine 8 went out on 1600 calls last year.

And those fire alarms and medical emergencies will now be answered by ..... Who?

It's Not About the Budget

We all know that the city is struggling for funds. Closing Engine is not a budget issue.

It doesn't save any money.  And it costs our neighborhood homes and schools in fire protection and emergency medical response.

Sometimes, cutting corners can be very costly.

URGENT: Wed April 6 Public Hearing on Closing Engine 8

Wed April 6, 6:00 pm -- public hearing before the Public Safety Committe of the Board of Aldermen.

We need every possible body there. They haven't given us much notice, but if there are few attendees the City may consider that they have won, and the decision to close Engine 8 is a done deal.

We need fire protection and emergency medical service -- Please come to the meeting!

6:00 pm Wednesday April 6, 2011

Aldermanic Chamber City Hall

165 Church Street

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Contact Us

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Contact us at

Fire Protection in the Schools

Engine 8 is on-site, in the neighborhood, and assigned to protect four elementary schools  Worthington Hooker K-2, W. Hooker 3-8, Foote School and Celantano Elementary.  

That's good news if you've got a kid who attends school. Or you've ever been a little kid attending school, looking out the 3rd-floor window and wondering, "What would I do if there was ever a REAL fire?"

Need more info?

Contact us at 

Engine 8 and the Exploding Gas Stove

A couple years ago, there was a gas leak in a kitchen on Cottage Street.

When the leaked gas came into contact with the pilot light -- BOOM.

A neighbor saw the explosion from 50 yards away through the window -- the fireball was that big -- and called 911.

Engine 8 was just arond the corner.  They came within four minutes and put the fire out.  The fire didn't spread beyond the kitchen of that apartment.

Now let's pretend that instead we had to wait 15 minutes while the fire engine from downtown was trying to get down State Street during traffic....

Contact us at 

Engine 8 is your first response for medical emergencies

Why else do we need Engine 8?

Because this is our first response for medical emergencies.  If you
  • hit your head and got a concussion and passed out
  • had a severe asthma attack
  • slipped on the ice and broke your leg
  • went into anaphylactic shock and couldn't breathe
  • had a diabetic emergency
or a heart attack or a stroke or a severe cut or any medical emergency that you would call an ambulance for  -- Engine 8 is your first response. They are just down the street and can be there quick.

Without Engine 8, you would have to call an ambulance that is assigned to answer calls anywhere in the city -- and when you need it, it could be anywhere city-wide. 

If you couldn't breathe, how long would you want to wait?

Save Engine 8 for East Rock

Hi -- This is the blogspot for the neighborhood effort to Save Engine 8 at the Whitney Ave Fire Station.

Engine 8 is the only Fire Engine assigned to protect the East Rock neighborhood from fire and to provide first response to medical emergencies.

The City of New Haven, without consulting residents, is going to shut down Engine 8.

If this happens, the closest fire engine for East Rock will be downtown at the State Street station.  Have you ever tried to get down State Street during traffic?

Should you be concerned about a fire? Only if you live in an old wooden house or in multifamily housing.  Which is, like .....  EVERYONE in East Rock.

Need more info?

Contact us at